Litteraturliste - pejlemærker

Her får du en oversigt over de anvendte studier i arbejdet med pejlemærker i hjælpemiddelformidlingen.

Borg J, Larsson S, Ostergren P, Rahman ASMA, Bari N, Khan AHMN. User involvement in service delivery predicts outcomes of assistive technology use: A cross-sectional study in Bangladesh. Bmc Health Services Research 2012;Sept 20;12:330.

Cindy WYC, Man DWK. The effect of training older adults with stroke to use home-based assistive devices. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 2004;24(3):113-120.

Federici S, Borsci S. Providing assistive technology in Italy: the perceived delivery process quality as affecting abandonment. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2014; Early Online: 1–10, DOI: 10.3109/17483107.2014.930191. Samme som 2016 01;11(1):22-31.

Hansen R, Tresse S, Gunnarsson RK. Fewer accidents and better maintenance with active wheelchair check-ups: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 2004;18:631-639.

Hoenig H, Landerman LR, Shipp KM, Pieper C., Pieper C, Richardson M, Pahel N, George L. A Clinical Trial of a Rehabilitation Expert Clinician Versus Usual Care for Providing Manual Wheelchairs. JAGS 2005;53:1712–1720.

Jannink MJA, Erren-Wolters V, de Kort AC, van der Kooij H. An Electric Scooter Simulation Program for Training the Driving Skills of Stroke Patients with Mobility Problems: A Pilot Study. Cyber Psychology & Behavior 2008;11(6):751-754.

Jedeloo s, de Witte LP, Linssen BA, Schrijvers AJP. Client satisfaction with service delivery of assistive technology for outdoor mobility. Disability and Rehabilitation 2002;24(19):550-557.

Johnston P, Currie LM, Drynan D, Stainton T, Jongbloed L. Getting it 'right': How collaborative relationships between people with disabilities and professionals can lead to the acquisition of needed assistive technology. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2014;9(5):421-431.

Kirby RL, Routhier F, Demers L, Mihailidis A, Polgar JM, Rushton PW, Titus L, Smith C, McAllister M, Theriault C, Thompson K, Sawatzky B. Effectiveness of a Wheelchair Skills Training Program for Powered Wheelchair Users: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;96(11):2017–2026.

Kling A, Campbell PH, Wilcox J. Young children with physical disabilities: Caregiver perspectives about assistive technology. Infants Young Child 2010;23(3):169-183.

MacGillivray MK, Sawatzky BJ, Miller WC, Routhier F, Kirby RL. Goal satisfaction improves with individualized powered wheelchair skills training. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2017; DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2017.1353651.

Mann WC, Hurren C, Charvat B, Tomita M. Problems with wheelchairs experienced by frail elders. Technology and Disability 1996;5:101-111.

Martin JK, Martin LG, Stumbo NJ, Morrill JH. The impact of consumer involvement on satisfaction with and use of assistive technology. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2011;6(3):225–242.

Philips B, Zhao H. Predictors of assistive technology abandonment. Assistive Technology 1993;5:36-45.
Riemer-Reiss ML, Wacker RR. Factors Associated with Assistive Technology Discontinuance among Individuals with Disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration 2000;66(3).

Schein R, Schmeler M, Saptono A, Brienza D. Patient satisfaction with telerehabilitation assessments for wheeled mobility and seating. Assist.Technol. 2010 12;22(4):215-222.

Schein R, Schmeler MR, Holm MB, Saptono A, Brienza DM. Telerehabilitation wheeled mobility and seating assessments compared with in person. Arch.Phys.Med.Rehabil. 2010 06;91(6):874-878

Verza R, Lopes Carvalho ML, Battaglia MA, Messmer Uccelli M. An interdisciplinary approach to evaluating the need for assistive technology reduces equipment abandonment. Multiple Sclerosis 2006;12:88-93.


Mary Petersen
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