Materiale om Motiverende Interview

Udvalgt litteratur, informationer og links om Motiverende Interview (MI).

Barnett, Elizabeth et al. (2012): “Motivational Interviewing for adolescent substance use: A review of the literature". I: Addictive behaviours; Vol.37; Issue 12; pp. 1325 - 1334.

Enea,Violeta & DafinoiuIon (2009): “Motivational/solution-focused intervention for reducing school truancy among adolescents”. I: Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies: Vol. 9; Issue 2; pp 185 – 198.

Foxcroft, David et al. (2009): "Interventions for prevention of drug use by young people delivered in non-school settings: Intervention Review". I: Cochrane Library, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Gaume, Jacques et al. (2010): “Counselor motivational interviewing skills and young adult change talk articulaton during brief motivational interventions”. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment vol. 39 (2010), p. 272-281.

Ingoldsby,Erin M. (2010): “Review of interventions to improve family engagement and retention in parent and child mental health programs”, Journal of Child and Family Studies: Vol. 19; Issue 5; pp. 629 - 645.

Jensen, Chad D. et al. (2011: “Effectiveness of motivational interviewing interventions for adolescent substance use behavior change: A meta-analytic review”. I: Journal of consulting and clinical psychology: Vol. 79; Issue 4; pp. 433 – 440.

Lundahl BW et al. (2010): “A meta-analysis of motivational interviewing: twenty-five years of empirical studies". I: Research on Social Work Practice 2010; 20(2).

Miller, William R. (2013): Motivational interviewing: helping people change, 3. ed. New York, NY, Guilford Press.

Naar-King, Sylvie (2011): “Motivational interviewing in adolescent treatment”. I: The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie: Vol. 56; Issue 11; pp. 651 – 657.

Rollnick, Steven & Miller Bill (2014): Den motiverende samtale - støtte til forandring. Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2. udgave, 2014.

Rosdahl, Gregers: At lære den Motiverende Samtale.

Rosdahl, Gregers: Introduktion: Den Motiverende Samtale.

Strait, Gerald Gill; Smith,Bradley H.; McQuillin,Sam; Terry,John; Swan,Suzanne; Malone,Patrick S. (2012): “A Randomized Trial of Motivational Interviewing to Improve Middle School Students' Academic Performance". I: Journal of community psychology: Vol. 40; Issue 8; pp. 1032 – 1039.

Walton, Maureen A. et al. (2010): “Effects of a brief intervention for reducing violence and alcohol misuse among adolescents: A randomized controlled trial”. I: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol.304; Issue 5; pp. 527 – 535.


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