The Danish scheme (GDV)

The GDV scheme is a fee funded approval scheme for building components in contact with drinking water where building components can be approved and certified for placement on the market and sale in Denmark.

The GDV scheme is based on Executive Order no. 1007 of June 29, 2016, on the marketing and sale of construction products in contact with drinking water (hereinafter referred to as the GDV Executive Order), as amended by Executive Order no. 656 of May 31, 2023.

The Danish scheme (GDV)

The approval scheme for building components in contact with drinking water (GDV) covers only the health properties of building components, namely migration of potentially harmful substances into drinking water.

The Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing is the regulatory authority for the approval scheme and are managing the processing of applications for GDV approval.

Detailed explanations and background can be found in the general guidelines:

Link to the generel guidelines for building components approved for use with drinking water

Documentation of approval 

When an applicant obtains approval, the approval holder is sent a certificate for the relevant approval number. The same certificate is uploaded on a publicly accessible website.

GDV approved building components may be marked with the "Godkendt til drikkevand"-mark ("Approved for drinking water").

Approvals for building components issued before July 1 2016 are required to be marked with "Godkendt til drikkevand", whereas marking is voluntary for approvals issues from July 1 2016 and onwards.

PVD-coated building materials that are to be approved are tested on an equal basis with non-coated building materials. The applicant must specify whether it is a PVD or PVDF coating, and must also provide information on any underlying coatings, such as chromium and nickel.

If the underlying coating is chromium plating or nickel plating, testing for nickel must always be conducted.

Fees and charges

On 1 July 2018, the fee for a GDV approval changed from being a fixed fee to payment per started hour.

The hourly rate is set at DKK 1075 per hour in 2025. 

Fee is charged per month.

The fee is regulated by the Executive Order on fees for the construction area by the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing (Danish language only).

The Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing announces fee adjustments on this website.

Companies are required to pay a fee for any activities in connection with the issue of GDV approvals, including processing of applications, mandatory reporting, providing information to applicants and the public about the application procedure and about the scheme in general, etc.

Continuations, renewals and revocations of GDV approvals are also covered by the fee.

Working with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency under the Ministry of Environment and Food advises the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing on requirements, test basis and methods.

This is done in order to ensure, that the quality requirements for building components in contact with drinking water are fulfilled, when the water reaches the taps of consumers.

You can read more about the requirements for approvals at the homepage for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Link to homepage

The Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing refers to the Executive Order on drinking water, the list of drinking water quality criterias as well as the guidelines on water quality and inspections with water supply systems published by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (both Danish only).

Link to the Executive Order on drinking water (Danish)


Contact information


Future European regulation

The Authority must draw attention to the fact that a GDV approval may cease if there are rules according to regulations, directives or acts of the European Communities, which entail an obligation to market in compliance with the provisions therein.